
A mentor now – a friend for life

Open call for volunteers to become mentors for unaccompanied minors and youth.   

The European project PROUD addresses an open call for any volunteer who wishes to become a mentor for unaccompanied minors and youth. These volunteers will have the opportunity to attend a brief training seminar on the mentoring process and then, as mentors, will support unaccompanied minors to facilitate their transition to adulthood and independent life. 

The PROUD project

The PROUD project (Promoting Supported Independent Living as an alternative care practice for unaccompanied minors) is a two year project, implemented in Greece, Spain, Germany and Portugal with the aim to support unaccompanied minors, aged between 15- 18 years old residing in these countries, during their transition to an adult and independent life. The project aims to promote Supported Independent Living as an alternative for the support and protection of unaccompanied minors. In this context, it organizes research, education and guidance activities to support both child protection professionals and the unaccompanied minors themselves. One of the key activities of the project is the mentoring activity, in which adult volunteers interact and guide minors on issues related to autonomous life as adults, with a special focus on education, training and employment. Adult volunteers become the teachers, the guides and the friends of these minors, in other words, they become their mentors.

Why become a mentor?

The people who will assume the role of the mentor, through their interaction with the unaccompanied young people, are expected to pass on to them the necessary knowledge and skills for the effective management of the issues any adult faces. They will strengthen these young people’s self – confidence and their ability to cope adequately with the demands, barriers and opportunities of adulthood. Mentors will familiarize young people with a range of issues which will face before or during their transition to autonomous adult life – such as housing, employment, education and financial management.

Be the change you want to make

Your decision to support an unaccompanied minor gives you the opportunity to shape their future and their lives with them, influencing both the minors and the society that will include them as equal citizens. You will transmit your knowledge, experiences and values aiming at the inclusion and the well-being of this minor. You will be strengthened by their successes, but also by their failures. You will find the strength to show them the way to a happier life. You will, finally, have the opportunity to contribute to the creation of a better world through solidarity, mutual aid and respect.

Who can become a mentor?

Any volunteer who: 

  • is above 25 years old, regardless of his/ her educational and professional background
  • has got significant life experience and knowledge he/she would like to share 
  • speaks English and/or the languages which unaccompanied minors speak 
  • is committed to implement all steps of the mentoring process (application, interview process, training and meetings with his / her mentee, supervision meetings, etc) 
  • has experience in similar activities and interventions
  • Mentors who are third country nationals and who are/ have been migrants, refugees or asylum seekers themselves will be preferred. 

How can you participate?

Mentors’ participation is voluntary.

If you wish to participate in the PROUD project as a mentor, in case you are selected after completing and submitting the attached application form*, you will:

  • attend the mentors’ training seminar, with a duration of 20 hours.
  • participate in a minimum of twelve (12) mentoring meetings with one of the unaccompanied minors who also participate in the project, so that you jointly develop his/ her “Action Plan” (time period: February 2021- September 2021).
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